[Mw] Re: [VHFcontesting] ARRL Membership Services Committee VHF/UHF
William Moneysmith
w4nfr at erols.com
Thu Oct 10 15:34:29 EDT 2002
Yes, I fully agree with Neil and his comments. VHF, UHF and MW need to be
promoted and encouraged to the fullest. We need to use those frequencies or
guess what will happen? The commercial folks are licking their chops for more
frequencies in those regions. Use it or lose it!
I was in Costco today and I saw this neat little remote wireless weather
station. I picked up the package and read a little closer and guess where the
"wireless" operates? It operates on the frequency of 433 MHz. Does this
frequency sound familiar? You bet it is in the middle of the Ham Band. Granted
it is low power, but I'll bet if you had it at your house, you would not be able
to use 433 MHz. There are other items springing up like this on the market.
Again use it or lose it!
Bill W4NFR
"N. Spokes" wrote:
> To promote VHF operation by hams, I have suggested a GOTA (get on the air)
> VHF station add-on to Field Day. How about a 2 X VHF multiplier for each VHF
> contact, a 4 X for >900 MHz and a 10 X for 10 GHz and above? (That would be
> on top of 4 points for a <150 W CW contact.) 40 points for a single 10 GHz
> CW contact would give the 'VHF station' some respect, not now accorded. I'm
> not much of a contester, but would enjoy bringing my VHF and 10GHz systems
> to FD for extra points and fun. In the past, people have been much too busy
> making HF contacts to give VHF anything but a minor nod of acceptance at FD
> (and in general) a 6 m station only gets us 200 points vs 1000's for a
> 'real' HF radio contact. FD is the major annual operating social event for
> many clubs - it's the one an only "y'all come" event for our local club.
> BTW - Yeah! We enjoy seeing in print how well our club station, W4VA, did in
> the FD QST issue.
> Neil.
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