[VHFcontesting] ARRL Membership Services Committee VHF/UHF Award...

Ed Kucharski k3dne at adelphia.net
Thu Oct 10 22:10:31 EDT 2002

Well put, Bill.
There are many ways to increase activity as has been expressed very well 
over the
past few days on these reflectors.
I have always been impressed by the amount of activity in past January VHF 
SS and the
associated with club competition.  ARRL recently added the September VHF 
QSO Party as a club
competition and I don't see why the June version of that contest, the ARRL 
UHF contest
and the CQWW VHF contest should not be included for club competition.  At 
club meetings,
presentations could be given to tutor and encourage members to participate 
AND submit scores -
by encouraging club member participation in VHF+ contests we could target 
the casual ops to
send in scores, get to the FM ops to send in scores and hopefully explore 
the weak signal
portion of the bands (on SSB/CW, of course) and to hit the HF ops 
(especially HF contesters)
to try out VHF+ contesting.  At the club level, awards could be given out 
to top scorers in the
club.  I am a member of the Potomac Valley Radio Club (PVRC), which is more 
of an HF contesting
club, but in recent years has become very competitive in VHF+ club 
competition.  PVRC awards an
engraved gavel to it's club station with the highest score in each club 
competition contest.  We
also have other club awards to stimulate contest activity (which works well 
to increase HF contest
activity too).
There is an Introduction to VHF/UHF Weak-Signal Operating by N1DPM and 
WA2TEO (now K1TEO)
- A downloadable presentation YOU can present to your local club on the 
NEWS web-page at
Happy VHF+ contesting and I hope to CU in the next vhf+ contest!


At 11:54 PM 10/9/2002 -0400, Bill Seabreeze wrote:
>Hey Guys,
>While I agree, that it's nice to see your call in the magazine,
>let's not forget that the biggest problem we are facing is dropping
>We all need to try hard to help potential newcomers, FM converts, etc to
>discover SSB/CW on the higher bands.  I have run across many hams
>on FM who tell me they tried 2/432 SSB and couldn't find anybody to work.
>Many of these guys think 2m is only good for a 50 mile radius or so.
>I think we really need a grass roots effort to try and point these guys
>some local nets, etc. to let them see how much fun the higher bands can be.
>We should all be salesmen, to try and keep the bands alive.  There are real
>serious threats out there to our bands.  There are also many interested
>bystanders who need some good advice about how to find some activity.
>Even a guy with a 706 and a gringo-stranger antenna can be shown the
>"light" of narrowband communications.  Please help these guys out.  Spread
>the word about our activities.  GET ON and show these guys what is possible
>with weak-signal equipment.  Many of us old farts are becoming less active,
>and we need to find several young replacements for each of ourselves.  They
>are out there.
>While I have sent my suggestions to the ARRL, it's not up to them to bring
>activity to your door (although they're trying hard!)...it's up to us.  I
>think we
>also need to realize that contests can be intimidating to newcomers, and
>need a chance to get their feet wet by finding some local activity.  Maybe
>can get some more nets going, or at least help new guys to find the existing
>nets.  When I first got on 2m AM, I really enjoyed rag chewing with local
>guys about equipment building, parts availability, antenna options, etc.  We
>just need to hook up with the many like-minded hams who are out there,
>waiting to be discovered.
>The bands you help save may be your own.  Let's get busy!  We need more
>RF savvy guys in industry in the USA, and we can help grow some right here
>within our beloved hobby.  VHF & up hamming is lots more fun with more
>If you're not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem!
>Your enthusiasm can really be contagious.  So can your apathy.
>Make the choice!  Let's roll!
>Bill W3IY
>Microwave mailing list
>microwave at wa1mba.org

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