[VHFcontesting] Re: Limited Multi Class

Bill Seabreeze w3iy at fcc.net
Mon Sep 2 22:09:20 EDT 2002

I agree with Russ.  It's a crying shame how many microwave
QSOs have been  lost since limited-multi came into "vogue".
I think multis who used to be on higher bands, and have now
removed them need to re-think why we are out there.

It's supposed to be fun, guys...more bands is more fun...
Why worry about winning a lessor category...
Give us the QSOs, and we'll all be happier, and more likely
to go out and put forth an effort again.

A wise man once said..."it ain't whether you win or loose,
it's how you play the game"...or how many new grids you gave
out to others...

"he who has the most fun...wins"...and hopefully there will be
lots of winners!

Bill W3IY/R

----- Original Message -----
From: "Russ Pillsbury" <k2txb at dxcc.com>
To: <KA0TP at aol.com>; <vhfcontesting at contesting.com>;
<vhf at w6yx.stanford.edu>; <PDXHamInfo at topica.com>
Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 7:02 PM
Subject: RE: [VHFcontesting] Re: Limited Multi Class

| Tom, I never saw the original message but I do have a comment on it.
| He said:
| > < 4.  Either limit the number of bands allowed in the June contest to
| > < those below 1296, or make distinct classes for that.  The September
| > < contest could still be an all band affair.  January is already
| > < limited by crappy propagation and weather, which limits hilltop
| > < operations.  The reasoning is that it is just too much to expect an
| > < individual or small group to set-up and operate on all the bands when
| > < most of the attention will be on 6 meters.  Sure, everyone can come
| > < up with exceptions to that, but you shouldn't build contest rules
| > < around that.
| One of the worst things that has happened to the VHF contests recently is
| the limited multi-op category.  Stations that used to be on 1296 are no
| longer there.  They think their chances of winning are better with the
| limited category.  And they are right.  But I, for one, could care less
| wins the limited category - I don't even bother to look at their scores.
| Why is it that it is so important for these people to win that they are
| willing to stop doing something that is fun; work the contest to see what
| they can accomplish?
| I can tell you that it is very frustrating to work one mountain top
| after another and keep hearing "Sorry we aren't on 1296 (or 10 Ghz, or
| whatever) anymore. We are limited multi now."
| We used to encourage microwave activity, now we discourage it!  BAH!
| 73, Russ K2TXB
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