[VHFcontesting] ARRL VHF Contest Rule Revisions

W4nf at aol.com W4nf at aol.com
Tue Sep 3 12:51:52 EDT 2002

As the coordinator for the W4IY VHF Contest Group I don't agree with limiting the number of ops at a LM station.  It takes us at least 7-8 people to move all the equipment up the mountain for each contest and set up.  These things include 2 to 3 generators, 3 AB 577 masts, 2 25G towers, stacked beams on 6 thru 432, radios, amps, computers, etc.  The reason we went to LM after years of Unlimited Multi operating was we did not have the number of people necessary to set up all the equipment nor the operators needed to keep the stations on the air during the contest.  Further, there was no way we were ever going to place above 7th in the Unlimited Multiop category given the competion and our limited resources (people and equipment).  We would love to put up all the stuff we have on 903, 1296, 2304 and 10G as considerable time and money has benn expended but the manpower to assemble it all and then man the stations has just not been available.  Anyone want to join us at W4IY is welcome and if we get enough people to come up the mountain with us maybe we can start working the higher bands again.  I think this is a great discussion going on and I support anything that will make the contest more interesting and draw more participation.  See you from FM08jm at 4300 feet, Flagpole Knob, 30 miles west of Harrisonburg, VA.  73, Jack W4NF

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