[VHFcontesting] Sept VHF QSO PARTY

James Hayes hazy119 at westelcom.com
Thu Sep 5 00:11:47 EDT 2002

Hello all in the group...forgive the bandwidth, but wanted to announce that
I'll be running 6M, (100w/ 3 ele) 2M, (100 watts/15 ele) and 432,
(100watts/12 ele) ASL 212' from FN34gs in Plattsburgh, NY.
Be sure and listen for the weak stations.
Also am making plans for a rover expedition next summer and maybe more
realistically in Sept 2003 from Whiteface Mtn in FN24 and am wondering what
kind of interest I'd generate in that grid location from 4867' ASL.
Anyway let me know as it might be more fun that counting flies!
73 and GL in the contest!

Jim, N2YEV
FN34gs, Plattsburgh, NY
SixClub #1663, SMIRK # 6480

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