[VHFcontesting] Rover plans, ND3F/r

Nd3f at aol.com Nd3f at aol.com
Fri Sep 13 09:04:25 EDT 2002

HI all!

I will be flying solo, and still have some preparations to do!

Current plan, very subject to change:

FN20xh Atlantic Highlands 2-4pm local
FN30ah Atlantic Highlands area 4-6pm local
FN21xh Bear Mtn 730-1030p
FN31ah? east side of Bear Mtn. 1030-0130.
The park is locked, I may not be able to leave
until daylight.  However, assuming departure at 0130:

FN01xa or farther west 0600-0800L
FN11aa area 0800-1000L
FN00rg Blue Knob, PA 1130-1530L
FM09vv or vw King Knob 1800-1900L
FM19aw Tuscarora Mtn 2000-2130
FN10bc Broad Mtn 2200-2300

If we get ahead of schedule (unlikely) we will head
for FM18/08 at Blue Mtn. VA
If we get behind schedule we will skip FN01/11 except
for drive thru.

144.137/ 50.237 usually .085 all the way up.
6M-24G with good power and antennas.  6G rx intermittent,
other bands working well (but it is Friday the 13th!).

I continuously monitor 222.35 (not 223.5, but 222.35) FM
simplex horizontal for coordination, with 5 el at 25' and 
25w.  If you point towards me and give a shout, you will
break squelch, and I will hear you and work you.  It works.
No kidding!  Repeat: 222.35 MHz, FM, simplex, horizontal polarization,
100% on a separate radio with separate antenna.

It looks like there will be plenty of rover activity this contest-
please look for us and work us!

6M: 500w and 2 el homebrew moxon at 35.5'
2M: 450w and 7 el homebrew at 31'
222MHz: 250w and 13 el homebrew at 32.5'
432MHz: 200w and 17 el homebrew at 34'
903MHz: 150w and 33 el homebrew at 29.5'
1296MHz: 60w and 35 el M2 at 29.5'
2304MHz: 40w and 35 el WIMO at 30'
3456MHz: 40w and short looper at 30'
6G: 8w and 2' dish at 30', dual feed; rx currently acting up!
10G: 3.5w and 2' dish at 30', dual feed
24G: 200mw and 13" dish at 25', works good.

cell phone (emergencies only!) 443.756.5320

73, good luck and good contesting.

Brian the rover,
nd3f at aol.com

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