Chuck R. Olive n6eq at emainc.com
Mon Sep 30 18:47:07 EDT 2002

There will be a get together of the WSWSS Orange Section at the Sizzler
Steak House at 1461 Rimpau in the city of Corona on October 20, 2001,
11am to 2pm.  We will have a separate banquet room, there will be  three
1. Steak
2. Chicken
3. Buffet
The cost for the meal will be $9.00/per person which includes your drink.
 I am trying to put together some door prizes, if anyone should have a
donation for this event please let me know as soon as possible.  I will
try to pickup a few items up from the money that we took in from the last
get together.
We will need at least 30 people in order for us to reserve the banquet
room--please let me know by e-mail if you are able to attend.
Directions from Orange County:
91 East to 15 South, exit Magnolia, turn right ,make a right at
Rimpau--turn right into the first driveway at the Shell station. (Sizzler
phone number 909-272-8255)
Hope to see you all there--maybe a few of you from Northern Calif. can
make it down, after all we have traveled up there on quite a few

There is also a swap meet at Cal Poly Pomona on the same day, so if  you
would like
you can attend the swap meet first, and meet us at the Sizzler at 11am.
Spread the word and let everybody know.

For those of you that attended the " Get together" at my house awhile
back if you remember,
we had a (Tail Gate Swap meet ) on the neighbors vacant lot next door...
there is enough
room for everyone. So if you are interested let me know.

7 3 de N6EQ
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