[VHFcontesting] W3ZZ's QST contesting article

Tom Carney tomc7 at earthlink.net
Fri Apr 4 14:03:33 EST 2003

I'm a bit surprised there hasn't been any mention of W3ZZ's article
regarding VHF contesting that appeared in April QST.

Here are my thoughts.  First thanks to Gene and ARRL for showing an interest
in improving the level of parcipitation in VHF/UHF contest.  Although I
operated in VHF contest as far back as 1963, I was out of the hobby until
the June 2001 contest.  So I was not aware of the general decline in the
number of logs submitted.  While, frankly, I could care less if people
submit logs I hate to see a decline in participation.  Based on the data
Gene presented, I don't doubt there has been a decline in participation.

As for Gene's major points starting with "contest are defacto microwave".
Interesting point and I agree with Gene's conclusion.  When I resumed VHF
contesting I knew I had no chance of winning (or even scoring high) due to
the scoring rules.  For me it didn't matter but I can see that others might
be detered by this.

"Contest are boring"  Well not for me.  As for FM operators, perhaps a short
contest within a contest might be attractive to a small percentage.  However
I suspect most are just not interested.

"Change the scoring metrics"  Although I agree with Gene's basic point, it's
no big deal for me.

"Differentiate"  Strongly agree with this.  I would be in favor of a lower
four bands only contest.  I like the CQ 6n2 contest for the same reason.

"Rover rules"  (I'm a rover.)  While I would like to see some modification
in the rover rules I would not go back to the old ones.  However it does
irritate me that I often operate from a grid and don't work anyone else in
that grid. Just allowing grid credit for each grid activate on each band
would work for me.  IE if I make a contact on 222 from CM86 I get credit for
CM86 on 222.  If the contact was with a different grid square I receive
credit for it also.

"Too long"  Frankly I dont' see much value in allowing 24hr a day operation.
Perhaps a 30 out 48 rule (Rovers and multi-ops exempted).  Another idea is
to have a six hour catagory for people who want to participate causally.
"Too many"  Don't agree.  Out here there is little activity in other than
the three ARRL contest.

"Robot/Cabrillo"  While these are a hassle I doubt it's a signiificant cause
of the decline in participation.  Casual operators can still use paper logs
and big contest stations has logging software (don't they?).

Well those are my thoughts, how about yours???

73  Tom  KE6FI/R

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