[VHFcontesting] No Data+only annecdotal speculation=wrong solution

John Geiger johngeig at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 8 17:35:12 EDT 2003

Ed has a good point here.  Yes, if someone had access
to all of the submitted logs, we could check on
activity vs. submissions.  My guess is that activity
is probably the same or even increased, but
submissions have decreased.

  Even a few years ago you could look at several
sections (MN being one) and see 20 or more entries
with a B by their score, and with 10 to 15 QSOs with 2
grid squares.  I guess that this was a push by the
local club to get everyone out on 2 meter FM to hand
out QSOs, and to send in their log.  We tried such a
thing here last year, and it worked for a contest or
two, then all the non-vhf contestors got bored and
quit sending their log in.  They still would give out
a simplex QSO or 2.

If the ARRL wants to increase activity in VHF
contests, changing the rules won't help.  Promoting
VHF SSB/CW will.  The ARRL mentality now is to get
everyone on 2 meter FM as soon as they get licensed,
and the hell with everything else except packet and
APRS.  This is the quick fix solution since operating
a 2 meter HT requires absolutely no technical
knowledge.  IT also quickly becomes as interesting as
watching the corn grow, so many quit the hobby and go
back to cell phones.

Look at how we promote SSB activity on VHF.  We call
it "weak signal".  If I am a new ham, I will
definitely want to spend several hundred dollars to
have a weak signal.  In an 1997 QST it was stated that
you shouldn't run FM below 144.5 (correct) because
that is the SSB subband, and those signals are usually
right at the noise level (incorrect).  I would think
that the average ham believes that VHF DX is working
the next county, unless you have a huge antenna, KW
amp, and do moonbounce. No wonder so many get on HF
now that it has been so simplified, and never go to
VHF except for FM.

Hopefully there is someway to improve the image of the
VHF SSB operator enough that people want to play there
instead of on FM or HF.

BTW, I run about 180 watts to a 13 element yagi on 2
meters-approx EIRP of 1800 watts or so.  Why am I weak
signal then, but not weak signal when I run 1 watt to
the rubber duck on my HT?

73s John NE0P

--- "Ev Tupis (W2EV)" <w2ev at arrl.net> wrote:
> Fact: The more ice cream is consumed in London,
> England...the greater the number
> of deaths due to frostbite in Cape Town South
> Africa.
> Fallacy: By banning the sale of ice cream in London,
> South African lives can be
> saved.
> Lesson: Armchair analysts examining annecdotal
> information are bound to arrive
> at incorrest conclusions.
> Context: There is "no valid data" on which to know
> if participation level has
> changed over the past 10 years (according to Gene). 
> Therefore, we have no idea
> if this is a "problem" or not.
> All we know is that there has been a "cyclical bear
> market" when it comes to log
> submissions over the past several years.  The
> question is "why?".
> That is the only question that can be answered...and
> it must be answered by the
> very people who we can't seem to identify (according
> to Gene) those that
> participate but don't submit logs.
> Any conclusion drawn is the analysts version of an
> ESP QSO at best.
> Ev, W2EV
> ps...it's summer in London when it's winter in Cape
> Town (duh!)
> pps...I disagree that there is "no data available". 
> We've been submitting
> electronic logs for a very long time...albeit not
> Cabrillo format.  Anyone with
> rudimentary spreadsheet skills can mine the
> information that would be useful to
> this discussion.
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