[VHFcontesting] A Little off the topic
John Geiger
johngeig at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 12 00:10:18 EDT 2003
Skip's comments were right on the mark. Many local
clubs do not promote VHF SSB/CW operating at all.
Most of the ones that I have been involved with don't
even promote HF. THey promote the shack on a belt 2
meter FM, and using that for the weekly net, WX
spotting, and public service. The only mention of
anything contest related is for Field Day, and that is
because it is the club picnic, where a couple of club
members might actually get in front of a radio.
6 meters gets a couple of bad raps:
1. It tears up everyone's TV-even though most are on
cable today
2. It is either sporatic E, or it is dead as a
doornail. This isn't true due to MS, Aurora,
groundwave, etc. but you rarely hear that fact
mentioned. It is always "When it is open, it is
great. When it isn't, you can't talk across town"
People also think that 70cm and above are hazardous to
your health. I have heard people express concern
about using a 70cm HT too close to the eyes, head,
etc. I think I remember QST saying something along
those lines once. Well, if I am a newcomer to radio,
and I read what damage a HT can cause, I would never
go for the 50 watt or 100 watt radio/amp for 70cm.
That must fry you like a piece of bacon.
Probably one of the best things that we can do
immediately to get VHF promoted is to plan to set up
6,2,and/or 70cm stations at the local Field Day sight.
Let people experience first hand what you can do on
VHF, even if they are there for the club picnic. We
always seem to have good Es conditions for FD, and if
memory serves me correct, it is a free station, or at
least used to be. For 6 meters, try to get by with a
3 element yagi or dipole. Show people how small the
antennas can be. I got VUCC on 6 using an indoor
dipole when I was in grad school. Even a quarter wave
mag mount will put out a decent signal during Es
If the club hold a special event station during the
summer, try to get a 6/2 meter station up. Look for
any other opportunities, like club demonstations and
such, to show off the VHF bands.
The best way to win people over to VHF is through
personal experience. If they can see first hand how
good the VHF bands are, it will go alot further than
someone telling them.
73s John NE0P
--- N5tif at aol.com wrote:
> Hi Guys
> Skip all most got it right most newbies when they
> hear about weaksignal,
> most will say yea I have heard of that. Next they
> will point out way they
> don't bother with it. First there is no activity
> and yes that is a valid
> point (that's our fault) next they will go on to
> explain that it takes big
> antennas tall towers hard line and at lest 1kw to
> work anyone. I have only a
> modest station here and have vucc on 6m and 92
> confirmed on 2m (eek those
> last 8 and no wsjt here another story there) and
> working on 432 as well.
> Those things that I mention above for a station are
> nice but you could do as
> well with a modest station but the key is to have
> patience. That's all it
> takes is for one good opening and they are hooked.
> Its just getting them
> there that is the problem. If we are trying to
> recruit more weaksignal
> operators please what till spring or the summer time
> when the openings or
> there. So they can see for them self's what fun this
> all could be. In fact
> as far as contest goes we as groups and clubs should
> make an effort to show
> newbies what its like for contest. And if we get
> topo or Es that could only
> enhance the experience. We need the old guys to
> come back but we really need
> to bring new blood in and that means recurting and
> it will take all of us to
> do it. If we do the simple things the contest will
> come around scores will
> come up and more scores will be turned in. I just
> that that I would take a
> different take on this subject.
> LEE N5TIF 73
> SWOT #3319
> VUCC 6M #1114
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