[VHFcontesting] ICOM

Richard Clem clem.law at usa.net
Sat Apr 19 13:52:49 EDT 2003

>Is is disappointing ICOM's ad writers would make such a statement. What were
>they thinking?
>- Jon NØJK

I think they should have done a bit more market research.  One of the reasons
I bought an FT-817 was BECAUSE it had a built-in HT!  When I bought it, I
assumed that I would use it mostly for two things:  HF CW and 2-meter FM.  I
was pleasantly surprised to learn that the other features (such as VHF SSB and
CW) were quite usable as well.

In fact, a frequently heard complaint about the FT-817 is that its receive
coverage does not go up to 162 to receive NOAA weather.  So I suspect that a
lot of other prospective purchasers of a QRP HF rig also want to have a
built-in HT.

For HF, I think the Elecraft K-2 has better performance than the FT-817, but
having that built-in HT was a major selling point.

(And as I was writing this, my XYL called me, and I had a short QSO with her
on the FT-817 on 2 meters!)

Rick W0IS

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