[VHFcontesting] Increasing submitted logs and participation
martho at ameritech.net
Mon Apr 21 20:09:57 EDT 2003
Hi All,
Is it really about increasing logs or just participation? Would you be
happier with 200 more logs submitted or with 200 new operators active in
the next VHF/UHF test? Submitting a log is not necessarily the end all
answer to the dwindling participation issue which has arisen in the last
few years. I know that the intent of this thread was not participation
however it was a nice transition back into participation.
Changing the rules or making different operating classes will benefit some
and may encourage others. I doubt it will increase participation and it may
only further subdivide the active hams. It doesn't matter in what class you
submit your log as long as you are active. If there were 2000 logs last
year in the big 3 VHF/UHF contests, plus Aug UHF, I bet if you change the
classes or rules, you will have 2000 logs again, just divided differently.
Most of the ideas posted in the threads the last few weeks have shown a
good thought process and a true interest in helping the VHF contesting
community deal with the issues at hand. It is nice to see that everyone is
concerned about the shrinking numbers involved in the VHF community.
Hopefully, the increased attention will allow us an opportunity to do
something with the exposure.
I don't blame the lack of scores in QST and I don't blame the expense of
the equipment. I don't blame anyone or anything. I do think that each of
us needs to make a dedicated effort to get people involved above 50MHz. The
manufacturers are giving everyone reasons to get on VHF/UHF as they are
including the bands, all mode no less, in most of the transceivers (Yes,
even Icom contrary to popular opinion the last week!) The IC-706 is one of
the most popular selling rigs in the history of amateur radio and it has 6m
and 2m allmodes. The radios and equipment is out there.
So, what are we going to do about it?????
I am going to continue to open my shack to those who show an interest in
VHF contesting and VHF activity. I am going to continue to speak at club
meetings and at hamfests about the enjoyment of VHF/UHF and up. I am going
to continue to form multi-op stations for contests to allow the newcomers
to participate in a structured and educational environment.
Field Day is not too far away and many of you are attending club meetings
regarding field day. It only takes a few minutes to speak up and mention
the VHF contest 2 weeks before. Invite the membership out to your location
for the VHF contest. If you know rover skeds, have the hams go out and meet
up with a rover at one of the rover stops. Even a quick mention might lead
to one or two new people on in your area. Seeing that there are hundreds of
field day groups, this should be easily accomplished! Spread the word!
Keep the thought process going and keep promoting VHF/UHF contesting and
Ham Radio!!
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