[VHFcontesting] Info/experience with TS790A and IC820H

Tree tree at kkn.net
Wed Aug 13 14:11:35 EDT 2003

> Some Yaesu FT736R rigs have been 
> improved with a Mutek front end mod, which basically replaces several boards 
> in the radio, but these are relatively expensive and rare.

I have been using the FT736R for 144, 222 and 432 work for a few years now.

While a common complaint is that they are deaf, I must say that a large part
of this is just that the front end gain is pretty low.  The noise figures 
don't seem to be too bad.  I now have preamps on the tower for 144 and 432,
and will for 222 as well.  There is an increase in the S/N ratio using the 
preamp, but it isn't much more than the coax loss.

In other words, if you crank the AF gain on a 736R, it isn't as bad of a RX 
as it sounds initially when you look at the s-meter.  

> My favorite VHF/UHF setups have been Kenwood TS-850SATs with Downeast Microwave
> transverters.  You might also consider an Elecraft K2 plus Elecraft XV 
> transverters.  You'd have to build it, but you could get on your first VHF/UHF
> band for ~$1000 and add bands ($350 each) as you need them, and have one of
> the best ham receivers ever made.  You wouldn't be ready for this September,
> though.

These are great choices and I would use DEMI as my next choice.  However, 
even with them, on frequencies above 100 MHz, I would argue that you would
want a preamp at the antenna eventually in order to crank every db out of
your system - therefore, it becomes a wash with the 736R.  

So far, my 736R has been very reliable - and I would dare say that just by
the number of cables necessary necessary to hook up transverters, you will
have plenty of issues.


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