[VHFcontesting] Six Meter Contest

George Fremin III geoiii at kkn.net
Tue Dec 16 07:30:26 EST 2003

On Mon, Dec 15, 2003 at 05:51:56PM -0600, Kenneth E. Harker wrote:
> one of the big contest sponsors (ARRL, CQ, or maybe NCJ) should sponsor a 
> similar Six Meter Contest.  Six Meters is a great band, and is the obvious 
> gateway band to getting both non-HF ops exposed to contest and HF-style 
> operating, and getting HF ops exposed to VHF.  In North America, the only six 
> meter single band contests are sponsored by fairly obscure groups and have
> predictably low participation.  I can understand the ARRL not wanting to 
> sponsor six or seven single band VHF+ contests like they used to do (the 
> former ARRL Spring Sprints) but surely a big Six Meter contest would be a 
> great thing.

While I think a single band 6 meter contest would be intresting
I really do think there are already two events in the correct 
area of the year that can be entered as single band six 
meter contests.  The ARRL June VHF contest has the most 
people on in one weekend of any contest on 6 meters and 
the band winners are listed.  The CQ VHF contest in July 
is a two band contest and you can enter it as 6m single band
I am sure.

In addition SMIRK has had a 6m contest for years - but even though this
contest is in the right time of year I think the activity suffers as it is
the weekend following the June contest and the weekend before the ARRL Field Day.

>      The 10 Meter could be a guide for format.  The entry categories would
> by Single-Op CW (H/L/Q), Single-Op Phone (H/L/Q), Single-Op Mixed (H/L/Q), 
> and Multi-op.  Assuming the possibility of Eskip is important, maybe make it
> W/VE works everyone, DX works W/VE, and hold it on, let's say, the third 
> weekend of May, Saturday 1200 UTC through 0600 UTC Sunday.  Exchange is grids,
> scoring is QSOs by grids.  Or something like that.

Expanding the 6m sprint might be a great idea.

One of the hardest things about new contests is getting folks on the radio.

George Fremin III - K5TR
geoiii at kkn.net

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