[VHFcontesting] question

Ev Tupis (W2EV) w2ev at arrl.net
Thu Feb 13 07:24:48 EST 2003

> Seems to me if all contesters tuned their APRS radios to a different freq
> from the normal APRS freq during a contest you would have the very same
> thing you are doing.  No digipeaters or internet. So why wouldn't
> APRS be legal as well?

Having just replied to you personally, then seeing it was cc:'d to the list, my
reply here will be much more succinct. ;-)

You'll need to ask the ARRL about their banning of APRS.  I cannot defend their
position, but they certainly can.  mailto:n1nd at arrl.org

As to the relationship between APRS and BEACONet.25's CU2QSO system?  This one's
easy... if CU2QSO is "the very same thing" as simplex APRS on a new frequency,
then a racecar is "the very same thing" as an ambulance with a new set of tires.

It is more accurate to say "CU2QSO is APRS on radiosport steroids".  I've spent
a very long time piloting the CU2QSO system and assuring that the system:
1. works well
2. violates no rules

You know what's cool?  Watching a Rover as they change grids (in motion) on my
CU2QSO screen, sending them a keyboard message and working them on all of the
bands *before* they get to their hilltop.

What else is cool?  Knowing when a Rover has shown up enexpectedly (that's rare,
because those schedules that everyone posts just before the contest are so
closely kept, of course <giggle>)...and "going for the kill" quickly.

Also... there are times that I've somehow missed a rover on a band (I often find
myself on the coat-tail another station's "running of the bands", but lose 'em
along the way).  A quick keyboard message later and I'm back on track with 'em

Try it out and see what you get.  It's all about having fun...and CU2QSO does
that in a huge way!

Ev Tupis, W2EV
ps...ok...so it wasn't as succinct. :o)

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