[VHFcontesting] Contest results from DN47

Bob N7CZ - DN47im n7cz at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 20 09:27:24 EST 2003

Hi all, here is my summary of the contest.

Name of Contest:      ARRL-VHF-JAN

Call Used:            N7CZ
Call of Operator:     N7CZ

   Grid(s) Activated: DN47
   ARRL Section:      MT
   Location Name:     Montana

Entry Type:           SINGLE-OP ALL LOW
                QSOs    Pts/QSO   QSO Pts   Mult
50 MHz           10      1         10        3
144 MHz          18      1         18        4
222 MHz          5       2         10        3
432 MHz          9       2         18        1

All Bands        42                56        11



I was on for the whole contest except for my off period Saturday night for 

Best DX was Bob N7AU in DN07 on 2M & 135cm. (TNX BOB!) We couldn't hear each 
other on 6M & 70cm as we have in past contests. Normally Bob and I can sweep 
6M-70cm. The only other DX was Mark W7MEM in DN17 on 2M & 135cm.

On Saturday I spent slightly over 6 hours calling CQ on FSK441 toward known 
population centers with no replies heard. Spent less time with this mode on 
Sunday with no replies. After the contest ran with K1VOW in DM25 and 
completed easily on 2M.

No rovers in this area. Thanks goodness for locals on FM.

Generally speaking, condx were worse than last year from here.

73 es cu in June!

Bob N7CZ

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