[VHFcontesting] REMINDER:CQWW VHF Contest and CU2QSO Pioneers

Tree tree at kkn.net
Thu Jul 24 00:37:51 EDT 2003

>    That would be an opinion. And one that I mostly agree with. 
>    However, it always strikes me as odd that people involved in a technical
>    hobby are so unnerved by new technology. It is sooooooo predictable...
>    new technology comes along....The response is usually
>    "That's against the rules!" Well, no its not, actually. 
>   "Well, then it should be. It is unethical, immoral, unwise, no fun ....and
>    will destroy the hobby." Geesh.

Well, I think a distinction needs to be made between "the hobby" and "the

A contest is intended to be some kind of competition and most people who are 
in them seriously would like it to be some kind of indication of the ability
of the operator - particularily in the single-op, unassisted category.

As I have tried to point out, even though technically CU2QSO is legal to use
for a unassisted single-op, it "feels" like assistance, similar to packet
spotting (they both have the same basic output to the human, albeit using
much different methods).  

>    CU2QSO is just a beacon with a bit more information encoded into it.
>    Not really any different than a voice keyer that says
>    "CQ de Callsign at Grid Locator". 

Yup - and decoded by a computer.

Tree N6TR
tree at kkn.net

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