[VHFcontesting] June rove for AL1VE/r

Tim_Karle at nps.gov Tim_Karle at nps.gov
Mon Jun 9 16:17:44 EDT 2003

Hi All,

Now for something completely different.

In keeping with my June tradition I plan on roving a little differently.
Leaving Thurs night from FN54 to Muskegon, Mich via  the 3's (
FN53,43,33,23,13,03,93,83,73,63) by Saturday at contest time hope to be
near Chicago EN52/62/51/61 corner.  Will spend most of Sat there and along
southern Lake MI coast EN62/72/61/71. Sat night I will head east hoping to
be at the EN81/91/80/90 corner by 6 am.  From there I'll head eastward
along I-80 stopping in FN01, FN11, FN00, and FN10.  By Sunday night I hope
to have made it into FN21 and 20 (not stopping) possibly making it to Bear
Mtn for FN31/FN21.

Ambitious plans, especially for a van that has 310,000 miles!

Will be running 50, 144, 220, 432, 902, and 1296, with yagis on all bands.
Early WX reports look promising.  and luckily I don't have to be back to
work till Tuesday!  Good Luck to all, hope to hear some new voices in the
Midwest and familiar ones as I work eastward.

Tim  AL1VE/r

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