[VHFcontesting] New Thoughts on all of this!

John Geiger johngeig at yahoo.com
Thu May 1 19:06:23 EDT 2003

It is interesting in that the original original thread
in this line was lamenting the declining number of
logs in ARRL VHF contests.  We are now seeing
discussions on how this log and that log should not be
allowed because they did things differently than me,
or they have more friends that me, etc.  

We keep hearing about how we will lose
VHF/UHF/Microwave bands if we don't increase activity,
and now we keep seeing postings wanting to decrease
activity.  If someone won't work enough others as a
rover, don't let them operate.  If the gear wont
transmit far enough, don't use it, etc. etc.  

Makes me wonder if we enter VHF contest to have fun,
work new grids, encourage activity, or only to win. 
If you beat me, then screw you!  Your methods were
unfair because I didn't win, and anything you did that
I didn't do should be banned.  We have even seen
proposals to eliminate bands that the proposer isn't
QRV on because they can't win.

Geez!  Think maybe I will go back to HF SSB where
things are a little more civilized.

73s John NE0P EM04

p.s.  Yes I have talked friends into getting on FM to
give me a contest QSO. So send me to VHF contesting
hell for it.
--- Mark <martho at ameritech.net> wrote:
> Minimum Distance for QSO's....
> I live in the Chicago area where there is a high
> density of hams. Why 
> should be punished by a rule change? I have 3
> stations less than 1KM from 
> me.  I have worked to recruit each of them over the
> past years. They now 
> participate in every contest. If you change the
> rules to require a minimum 
> distance, you have now eliminated 15 contacts for me
> and any reward for my 
> efforts.
> Don't change the rules! There is nothing wrong with
> the rules!!!!
> As for the 2.3G and up stuff...
> Good for the people who build stuff and use it. I
> built two laser xcvrs. I 
> am very proud of them and happy to be able to use
> them. It was a very proud 
> moment when I was able to make my first Q on a new
> band with equipment I 
> built and constructed from a schematic found on the
> internet. Who cares if 
> it is harder to line them up at 1KM as opposed to in
> the backyard? At least 
> I built them and am using them. BTW... Four other
> guys in our club built 
> them as a result of us talking about them. Four new
> contacts for those with 
> lasers as Rovers who stop by other multi's or fixed
> stations are very popular.
> How about each of us go out and find more people to
> get on the air. You 
> must spend more time recruiting people to get on the
> air and teaching them 
> about VHF/UHF than you do typing on your computer. 
> I suggest that everyone 
> who reads this needs to go out and find one more
> person to be active in the 
> June Contest. Until you have recruited one more
> person and submitted their 
> call to the list, you no longer can post to the
> list!
> Going to find my person. Hopefully, I will report
> back soon!
> Mark
> N9UM
> www.vx5.com/~teampf	
> KI9R
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