[VHFcontesting] VHF Contest Rules Revisions - DX - DX

jon jones n0jk at hotmail.com
Fri May 2 16:37:13 EDT 2003

One rule I would like to see changed is the prohibition on "DX to DX" 
contacts - at least in North America/Carib. region. This restriction 
discourages many DX stations from entering the VHF QSO Party. A number of 
stations have mentioned this to me. To encourage DX stations to work W/VE in 
the contest they could earn "double points" for working W/VE. Kind of like 
the CQ WW. Currently a station in the American Virgin Is. (KP2) can work 
W/VE + DX, but just across the channel British Virgin Is. (VP2) can work 
ONLY W/VE for credit.

- Jon NØJK

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