[VHFcontesting] 2 meter antenna question.
Donald M. Ross
dross at sirinet.net
Sun May 4 00:00:58 EDT 2003
Hi George,
I have used the KB6KQ loops for several years (learned about them from ND2X)
without any problems.
Around town, I usually run just one of them mounted in the left rear stake
mount on a GeoTool mount. When roving for fun or contesting, I run dual
loops mounted in the same place. The dual loops appear to "hear" better and
I get better reports when running them than with a single loop. Due to the
mounting configuration, I cannot do instant switching between single and
dual loops, but can make the switch in about 2 minutes. I normally run the
single loop with 25 - 40 watts, depending on the radio in use, but run the
large TE Systems amp (400w on my Bird) with the dual loops. You and I have
worked with this configuration before (EM04 to EM00 for the rest of you). A
friend of mine, NH6CJ, runs the M2 Loop and we have operated them side by
side on the top of Mount Scott (EM04rr) several times. I won't comment on
whether one of them is "better" than the other since the antenna is only
part of the total station configuration and there were no matching
components between our two stations. Mike loves his M2 Loop and I love my
KB6KQ loops.
I have used the M2 2M9SSB both portable and permanent and really like the
antenna. While not as good as the 2M18XXX straight up in a fixed location,
it is a solid performer and breaks apart easily for moving between sites.
For June, I'm going to run the single 2M9SSB, but will probably try dual
ones for the July contest as I attempt to put all 14 Oklahoma grids on the
Hope this topic draws as many responses as the captive rover one did.
73, Don, NL7CO/EM04
-----Original Message-----
From: vhfcontesting-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:vhfcontesting-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of George Fremin III
Sent: 03 May 2003 15:08
To: vhfcontesting at contesting.com
Subject: [VHFcontesting] 2 meter antenna question.
Is there anyone who uses an omni directional or near omnicirectional
antenna in their VHF contest station on 144mhz or higher?
If so - what are you using or what have you tried?
Is anyone using more than one yagi or yagi arrays that
is either fixed or on seprate towers/masts?
If so - what are you using and why?
If you have two yagis or yagi arrays do you have or have you
had switching that would allow you to run both systems
at one time so that you can listen and transmit in more
than one direction?
What worked or didnt' work?
George Fremin III - K5TR
geoiii at kkn.net
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