[VHFcontesting] 6 meter sprint from EM04

John Geiger johngeig at yahoo.com
Sun May 11 00:20:47 EDT 2003

Well, we had a pretty nice 6 meter sprint here. 
Decent conditions and a good level of activity.  Looks
like we are headed to a great Es season this summer,
from the openings we are having so far.  Here are my

35 QSOs
27 Grids
945 total points
2.5 hours operating

Worked 6 new grids in the contest: EL88, EM56, EM60,
EM76, EM83, and DM54.  Worked the following states:
OK, FL, GA, SC, TN, KY, OH, AZ, and IL.  

It was interesting hearing the Southeast and Arizona
coming in at the same time on 50.125.  Wonder if the
guys out east were getting any Double Hop E?

73s John NE0P EM04to-Lawton, OK

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