[VHFcontesting] Inverter Advice

Zack Widup w9sz at prairienet.org
Wed Sep 3 18:16:40 EDT 2003

If you know the DC voltage your laptop runs on (what the power supply puts
out), and if it's more than 12 volts, you might consider building the
DC-DC inverter circuit at:


My laptop runs off 24 volts DC, and this power inverter circuit is
perfect.  In a metal case with bypass caps on the input and output, I get
absolutely no noise from it at all on any frequency.

Note, I only built the LT1070 part of the circuit for this application,
leaving off the other voltage regulators.  But this circuit is also great
for powering FET amps that need negative supply voltages.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Wed, 3 Sep 2003, N6KJ wrote:

> I'm planning to do some rover operations and need a power inverter to run
> my laptop.  I could use advice on selecting a power inverter that won't
> generate large amounts of RFI.  Any advice?

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