[VHFcontesting] WANTED: DX-120 - Round 2
David Vondrasek
n5ito at davidv.net
Sun Sep 7 18:00:30 EDT 2003
Howdie.. lets go back in time a few years... I'm looking for a Cushcraft
DX-120 2 meters array. ( 20 ele colinear array)
If anyone has one of these laying under the house or being used as
a TV ant *grin* and wish to sell please contact me.
I have managed to get a hold of 2 from the last request , so now I have 3.
Just need ONE more for the array. Also managed to pick up a set for 4 for 432
and 4 for 220, Don't have 220 at this time running but maybe some day. For
I guess it will work as a good TV ant *grin*
Anyone have the OPTIMUM stacking distance to space 2 of the arrays
apart on a horz boom for best gain and rejection. And about what kind of
DB Gain Im looking at.? I assume I can only use 2 of the 3 for now.
Also have 2 each M2 12 ele 144 mhz beams ( 19 foot booms ) I plan to stack
and see what performs better.
The goal is to see if I get better performance from 80 ele in a colinear array
or 24 ele in a stacked yagi setup.
Comments ?
- Its a virus now and it has to grow on the towers.
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