[VHFcontesting] 2M Sprint

Dick Pechie kb1h at myeastern.com
Wed Sep 24 00:12:03 EDT 2003

Hi All -

Operated for 2 hours last night as KB1H. Usually we use KB1DFB on these

58 QSOs in 17 grids.

Do the logs get sent to someone or this just a fun thing that gets activity
on? If the logs get sent, to where?

Thanks and it was fun.

73 Dick - KB1H

Visit  "The Barnstormers Contest Group - NZ1U"
website http://www.qsl.net/kb1h/

Email: KB1H at arrl.net    YCCC--------> http://www.yccc.org/

KB1H DXSpider Node ---------> dxc.kb1h.com port 7300

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