[VHFcontesting] W4AN - SK

jon jones n0jk at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 7 17:25:24 EDT 2004

Very sad to hear the news about Bill, W4AN. Bill supported VHF 
contesting(hosting this e-mail Reflector on his web site among other 

I met him once years ago at Dayton in the contest suite. We talked briefly 
about my idea of getting HF contesters going on contest DXpeditions to 
operate 6M for solar cycle 23 peak. He was encouraging and supportive. My 
subsequent trips to HC8, 8P9, KH8, FG, VP9 etc to operate 6M  were in part 
due to his, W6JKV and N5KO's encouragement and support.  Please take a 
moment to remember him.

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