[VHFcontesting] Request for QRP score info

kevin kaufhold kkaufhold at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 17 10:17:30 EDT 2004

I am writing an article on QRP contesting.  For that
article, I have compiled an excel spreadsheet
containing all QRP line scores in the ARRL contests
going back to 1986.  The spreadsheet contains 1300+
line scores, 560+ individual operators, 8.7 + Million
points, etc.  The final article will contain a whole
horde of such numerical info, as well as noting some
interesting trends and history of the QRP category.

As part of the verification process on the data input,
I am asking for the assistance of anyone on this
reflector who has ever run the QRP category in any
ARRL VHF contest.  I am interested in verifying both
large and small scores. Even if you only had a couple
of hundred QRP points in one single contest, I want to
verify your score and call-sign external of my own
efforts. Such external verification straight from the
operator's own notes is a most important step at
determining the overall accuracy of the data, as well
as estimating an error rate to the data. 

Please give me any call-signs that you submitted
scores under, and I will give you the output for all
lines scores, sections, and contest dates that I think
you ran in.  Then, if you could be so kind as to 
double-check your own records and let me know if I am
right or not on the data, I would greatly appreciate
your efforts.

As an example of the output of the spreadsheet, I ran
my own call-sign through the spreadsheet, and it
generated the following info.  

Call Sec.   Year  Jan 	 June	 Sept  Total  Logs

W9GKA IL    1998	22,515		22,515	1
W9GKA IL    1999   518	 8,320		 8,838	2
W9GKA IL    2000	 7,198		 7,198	1
W9GKA IL    2001	 3,072		 3,072	1
W9GKA IL    2002	 7,865		 7,865	1
W9GKA IL    2003 7,065	 5,192	        12,257	2

Ttl, all yrs	 7,583	48,970	 5,192	61,745	8
Ttl, last 5	 7,583	26,455	 5,192	39,230	7

Place, all yrs			 34 out of 562	
Place, last 5 years		 16 out of 169	

You can reply directly to my e-mail address.  Thank
you so much.  

Kevin Kaufhold

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