[VHFcontesting] UHF Contest this Weekend

Rick R rick1ds at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 3 08:58:55 EDT 2004

ARRL UHF Contest -- Might this be the final curtain call for this activity? 
Start 2PM Sat thru 2PM Sun
Light up the ether on 222 and above. I have heard from K1TEO and W3IY who 
will be active. I plan to take the rover van up to Trenton, and hopefully 
get on a few hrs Sat afternoon and possibly Sunday AM when there are breaks 
in the EME contest. I got permission to use the DVRC spot, just at exit 2 of 
295. Please be active, for as much time as you can, and submit ur logs. 
Although this is not a club event, the Packrats usually fill the airwaves
Call CQ on 222.100+/-, 432.100+/-, liaison and scanning for contacts on 
144.260, move 'em up from there.   73, Rick, K1DS

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