[VHFcontesting] CW and squelching

K3uhf at aol.com K3uhf at aol.com
Tue Aug 17 11:16:40 EDT 2004

As a rover I agree I do cross mode quite often. There are big stations trying 
to make long hauls on cw as well as small stations trying to make big noise. 
Just remember to move your vfo to offset for the tone of your cw or you may 
not be heard by those who dont move thier vfos or have it set and only get out 
of thier chair when they hear something.  Sometimes when parked at a new 
location I start with CW to attract attention and break squelches. There are people 
who squelch in the contests.  They are often the guys handing out points.  I 
have been told that people follow my calls after I break some guys squelch. The 
trick is to remember the info and copy while driving.  I have even sent cw 
while driving but I would not advise it, unless you use a relay via your horn.


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