[VHFcontesting] Roving and Hamfests

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Tue Aug 31 20:15:28 EDT 2004

The September VHF QSO Party happens to coincide with two of the better  
hamfests in my area, Butler, PA (FN00) to the east of us, and Findlay, OH (EN81)  
to the west.  Both are fairly close to grid corners. 
My question:  would their be any serious problems, either rule wise or  
ethical, about setting up a rover stop at the hamfest - whether in the flea  market 
area or a nearby parking area?  Would working hamfest attendees on  FM - 
their radios, not ones provided by us - be a problem?
I'm not that serious a rover, at least yet.  I'd want to also  spend a 
reasonable amount of time doing the stuff one usually does at a  hamfest.  But it 
seems to me that combining a hundred mile drive to a  grid corner with a hundred 
mile drive to a hamfest is a good way to kill  two birds with a single stone, 
maybe demonstate VHF contesting to a few people,  and have some fun.
73  -  Jim    K8MR  

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