[VHFcontesting] Re: [VHF] ARRL VHF+ contest proposals: input invited

jon jones n0jk at hotmail.com
Sat Feb 21 00:20:14 EST 2004

As the new Midwest Division representative to the CAC (and a long time VHF 
Contester) I will be following the comments on this Reflector to Tom K1KI's 
recommendations closely to help gather and present input from the VHF 
Contest Community to the CAC.  When considering your suggestions, please 
keep in mind the goals Tom listed:

"Our recommendations had several basic goals.   Changes to the contest rules 
and awards programs should:
      1) encourage more people to work more other people
      2) encourage QSOs made over longer distances
     3) encourage more people to join in and participate"

Regarding the "major recommendations"

Major recommendations
      1) Changes in the rover rules
      2) QSO point changes
      3) June VHF QSO Party 50-1296 only
      4) New categories in Jan/Jun/Sept
      5) Expanded Microwave contest based on 10 GHz Cumulative - UHF contest 

One Category I would personally like to see in the Jan/Jun/Sept VHF QSO 
Parties is one for the DX stations.

>Send your suggestions and comments to

vhf-contest-proposal at arrl.org - we'd like to have your input by March 7th.

and this Reflector if you wish to discuss them here as well.

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