Fwd: [VHFcontesting] True Sarcastic Humor [was: Rover Circling Solution [was: ARRL VHF+ contest...]

John K9IJ k9ij at vx5.com
Mon Feb 23 12:45:45 EST 2004

At 05:31 AM 2/23/2004 -0800, Michael Urich wrote:
>--- Ev Tupis <w2ev at arrl.net> wrote:
> > If you haven't seen this yet...there's a Rover score posted to 3830 that
> > lists a score that surpasses N6NB's.  Read the account and strategy
> > employed at:
> >
> > http://lists.contesting.com/archives/html/3830/2004-02/msg00182.html
>Mike wrote
>I like his spoof call sign W6/HA2YOU/R thats cute.  It reminded me of a 
>guy that got busted on 40m
>years and years ago running the call, Sierra Hotel One Tango, yes I know 
>some of you graduates of
>public education might have to write that one down to get it :-)
>However on the serious side.  I don't recall if it was on this reflector 
>or the Rover reflector
>that a couple in the Chicago area were roving and using both their calls 
>to "give out" points.  As
>I recall it was pointed out to them that they could not do that under the 
>rules.  On one hand I
>don't have a problem with multiple licensed hams in the same vehicle 
>"giving out points" if they
>are not doing it as a part of a club effort.  This is where and why I feel 
>that rovers shouldn't
>be included into club scores.
>Example, my son, Chase, KC5MPK, and I were in Atlanta for an orienteering 
>competition during the
>Jan 03 contest.  Between events we were in, we were able to get on the air 
>a little bit and help
>out the locals some.  In this case we were not set up to "ROVE" and only 
>had a FT-100 with a 1/4
>vert on 50 and a dual-band for 144/430 in the car.  It was ashamed that we 
>couldn't use both my
>call and his for all contacts, even though we did switch off and work 
>different stations and/or
>different bands.  My thoughts are to possibly permit this example but in 
>order to do so we would
>definitely need to remove rovers from club competition results.

While there were a lot of 'opinions' that they 'could not do that', in fact 
that's not the case. As family
members sharing the same equipment it is perfectly acceptable under the 
contest rules. It has been
confirmed by Dan Henderson, more than once.

John - K9IJ


John Rice  K9IJ
k9ij at vx5.com
Webmaster, Network Admin, Janitor

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