[VHFcontesting] RE: Proposed VHF Rule Changes (Bill Seabreeze)

jon jones n0jk at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 24 15:42:46 EST 2004

>My 3 cents...de W3IY/R
>I think it's great that some people want to make VHF contests
>better, and encourage more activity and participation.  I think
>the best way to do this is for QST to promote more exposure
>of VHF activity...

I agree - but I believe if QST put the "line scores" back in for log 
submissions for the QST print contest summaries, some of the casual ops 
would send in their logs. Now unless you have a "top score" your call is not 
listed in QST.

>Regarding the proposed rule changes...
>It really ain't that broke, so let's not try to fix it so much.

I have corresponded with some other long time VHF Contesters, and find they 
tend to agree with W3IY on this one. The current rules are really not 
"broke," but could use some tweaking. How to "tweak" without making things 
worse - that is the dilemma. The proposed changes do address changes I feel 
are needed for the DX Category in the VHF Contests.

Why care about DX stations in the VHF Contests?  Ed, VP9GE and I worked many 
Rovers and low power home stations from Bermuda in the June 2003 and Jan. 
2004 VHF Contests. Kevin, V25XX worked many (and gave you a new country) 
from Antigua.  Seems you appreciated those QSOs:

Conditions were VERY flat (with the single exception of VP9GE on 6m).  - 

Flat conditions except for a little E-skip to VP9. - K2QO/r

Only Es on 6m was VP9 - and a full 3 hours of it at that. - K2AXX

A highspot was working 8 countries: US, VE, HI8, V3, HK, V2, XE and TG9.  - 

Working VP9GE on 50.. the ONLY opening I heard on 6m My best DX - VA3NFA

VP9GE only Es on six meters from here. - W8PAT

VP9/N0JK was my daughter's first 6M DX - W3UR

and many others.

Please support the rules change to acknowledge DX Stations in the Contest 
Summaries, establish awards for them and allow "DX - to - DX" QSOs in the 
VHF Contests.  Thank You.

- Jon N0JK

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