[VHFcontesting] 6 meter beam
Lee Scott - AA1YN
aa1yn at aa1yn.com
Thu Jul 1 11:04:43 EDT 2004
At 07:27 AM 7/1/2004 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm getting ready to begin my tower project here and have decided that I'd
>like to have a nice big beam for 6 meters. I'm thinking about a 30 to 35'
>boom with 8 or 9 elements would be nice. I was wondering if anyone on this
>group has modeled something similair to what I'm describing or has plans to
>build one. I know m2 makes one close to what I'm looking for BUT I would
>like to stay away from commercial stuff if possible. I actually have some
>money saved up for this so this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me
>to get something for 6m that will REALLY REALLY play. Size is not an issue,
>so I'd love to hear what the "big guns" on 6 are using and if you have any
>ideas for a nice BIG yagi for 6.
You could give K1WHS a try at http://www.directivesystems.com. He has done
a lot of work in the area of very large 6m beams. He is big into VHF
contesting and if I'm not mistaken - has a 48' beam. Getting up to this
size can be quite pricey so you might think of stacking two 5 or 6 ele
beams. You would have less elevation beam width the same azimuth beam
width. This might be better suited for contesting than a single
looonnnnggg beam. They're less weight and require less torque on your rotator.
Lee Scott - AA1YN
Home of the VHF & Up Register http://www.aa1yn.com/vhf
Hooksett, NH
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