[VHFcontesting] FM contesting

Hoffman, Mark mhoffman at microwavedata.com
Wed Jul 21 09:12:34 EDT 2004


The Rochester, NY area has always had a large FM-only participation level.
There is one station (well-equipped for 6m - 1296MHz FM only) who routinely
scores 10K, and makes a few hundred QSOs during the January VHF SS. This is
not typical of levels across the nation, but it's an indicator of just how
much can be done. 

To help spur this kind of activity, The Rochester VHF Group sponsors a local
award for "Highest Score, FM-Only" which is usually competed for by a number
of stations. We also sponsor a number of local "club awards" that folks can
compete for as well.

If you have a local club nearby, if you want to encourage more activity -
have them sponsor a plaque or award. That way, even though it's not a
"national award" - it's something for people to work for. Heck, friendly
local competition only breeds more stations for the "national competitors"
to work. And, with some good planning, you MIGHT even get them to submit
their logs. Coordinate the log submissions in your area (mebbe elect a
"Contest Chairperson" to do the battle). 

Much of the success depends on the backing of a local club. Barring that,
it's tough to individually motivate folks. Hmm, mob mentality?!?

Mark, K2AXX

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael A. Urich [mailto:mike at ka5cvh.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2004 9:31 PM
To: VHF Contesting
Subject: [VHFcontesting] FM contesting

I've tried to stir up contesting activity in the Houston & S/E TX and even
posted this guide on my web-site


I'd appreciate comments.

Mike Urich, KA5CVH

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