[VHFcontesting] Insights to Consider
John Geiger
johngeig at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 21 18:22:59 EDT 2004
If we are going to imitate HF contests, I would like
to see the VHF contest copy the IARU HF or 10 meter
contest, and allow me to work the same station again
on the other mode. Or even take it one step further,
and allow me to work the same station several times:
SSB, CW, FM, AM, Digital.
That would certain liven things up. It would also
push more contestors to get the other locals up on
more modes. If I know that I am going to work station
X on 2 meter FM and 70cm FM because he has a dual band
mobile rig, I really have no incentive to get him up
on 2 meter SSB, at least from a contest standpoint.
Now if I can work him again on SSB, and once more on
CW, I will be pushing him to buy that 706, or maybe
even loan him my spare one, and will be trying to
teach him PSK or WSJT also.
73s John NE0P
--- "Kenneth E. Harker" <kenharker at kenharker.com>
> On Wed, Jul 21, 2004 at 04:54:26PM -0400, Ev Tupis
> wrote:
> > What you seemed to miss is the
> perceptive-undercurrent that VHF+ decisions
> > are being made within an HF context. This doesn't
> work. The issues are
> > different. I believe that HF contests get 10k+
> logs because the contests
> > are designed for HF operation. I believe that VHF
> contests get 2.5k logs
> > because they are designed for HF operation and
> just tweaked a little. Turn
> > the tables and I believe that HF contests would be
> at the 2.5k level and
> > VHF would be at the 10k+ level.
> OK, I don't agree with this either.
> VHF contests were the first major radio contests to
> introduce something
> like the rover entry class. There is nothing even
> remotely like it
> in ARRL or CQ-sponsored HF contests. The same thing
> for the Single
> Operator Portable entry class - there are single
> operator QRP entry classes
> in ARRL and CQ HF contests, but no classes
> whatsoever that involve portable
> operation (aside from Field Day, which isn't a real
> contest.) CQ has one
> HF contest (WPX) with a "band-limited" subcategory
> for entrants who do
> not have HF licenses that let them operate on all
> six HF contest bands,
> but that was introduced well after the ARRL VHF
> contests developed the
> M/L category. Rovers and Single Op Portables are
> not just "tweaks" on HF
> contest concepts - they are unique to the interests
> of VHF operators.
> > I am simply suggesting that somebody (most
> probably those people who have
> > already been charged by the MSC) would be best
> served to step back, take a
> > breath and "re-tool" by not being afraid to
> untether from their HF roots
> > when examining a 21st century VHF-centric world.
> OK, what would you do differently?
> --
> Kenneth E. Harker WM5R
> kenharker at kenharker.com
> http://www.kenharker.com/
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