[VHFcontesting] Vhf com. members

Mike Clarson mclarson at rcc.com
Wed Jul 28 10:21:19 EDT 2004

Yeah...its part of membership, BUT, QST is available at some newsstands.
Increased circulation, for most magazines, means more ad revenue, and, the
demographic of the "free" subs is a good one--active hams( sub could be for
6 months, or they could even be sponsored and given out by lottery). Instead
of mailing subs, maybe grant better ARRL web access for a fixed time

At least we are thinking solutions now, not just League Bashing.

While on the subject of league bashing, I spent the first 15 years of my 43
year ham career as a Technician, and, I have always resented the second
class status. Couldn't hold league office, not eligible for most awards or
appointments etc. Now that Tech's don't have to know CW, I suspect they have
even less status now. Yet is these Techs that are largely untapped in VHF

An observation: I had a hand in organizing the Mid Atlantic QSO Party (First
one was this year) and the 6 meter Spring Sprint was on the Saturday of the
MAQP. Interesting fact: As expected, the three most popular bands were  40,
80/75 and 20 meters. Not unusual. The FOURTH most popular band was 6
meters...not 10, 15 or 160! OK, there was a sharp drop off in QSO's between
band 3 and 4, but it sure makes a case for doubling up contests. --Mike,

-----Original Message-----
From: vhfcontesting-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:vhfcontesting-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of
Charles.Morrison at apcc.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 8:39 AM
To: N3AWS at aol.com; vhfcontesting at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] Vhf com. members

Remember, QST is part of  "membership" .
They don't separate QST subs from membership.
Besides, that will cost them money.

We should gather donations from the VHF community and request the list of
first-time entries from ARRL.


Here are other fresh ideas:
Since propagation is the great equalizer,  a national comparison should be
done by individual band:

      National :  Top Scoring single band comparisons of  ABCD9EFGHIJKL
for all  SO & MO.
      ========         First-place trophy only  each band.

      National : Top Single-Op by number of bands:   For any
2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 etc. bands  like FD uses transmitters.
                      First-place trophy only for each class:
2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 bands
                        " 2 Band Champ" / "3-Band champ" /  etc.

                (Continue to call the 4 band MO as LM.) National

      Regional:  Continue with Division/Section for certificates.

FM as a band // FM-Only categories
FM should be considered a separate band. (for QSO point and as another set
of multipliers)
Limit the number of bands that FM is a "separate band". i.e.  (those listed
Probably not necessary to have microwave and microwave FM.   Certificates.
 ( Not eligible for the above listed National trophies. )


QRP entries are the only stations that can use 146.52/calling freqs. for FM
No QSOs between LP or HP stations are permitted on the calling freq. All
other FM QSOs may occur
as presently described. Multi-ops may verbally announce on FM on the
calling freq, when clear, that they are operating on
a particular freq. looking for QSOs. This could be done every 15 minutes on
the calling freq as to where they will be CQing.
4 times/hr     << Clarify: Is this techincally 'broadcasting' and not
permitted? >> else "QST de callsign - "

Microwave QSO points
Change to the same points as UHF QSO points in the JUNE contest.
Analyze the impact of this change on a few leading logs including the
impact on scoring of 2003 or 2004 entries.

Pure VHF-only contest
I would suggest that the 10G weekend is a ALSO a good time for a "VHF-only"
event .
If you heard everyone coordinating 10G QSO attempts, you'd want to get up
I would also suggest making all events as all band events, but base the
awards on the event emphasis.

Charlie N1RR

             N3AWS at aol.com
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             07/27/2004 08:53          Re: [VHFcontesting] Vhf com.
             PM                        members

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