[VHFcontesting] N0DQS/R June VHF

gmitch gmitch at iowatelecom.net
Wed Jun 9 22:51:29 EDT 2004

Hi, Here are my plans or at least the route I am planning on for the
weekend. I will be activating a bunch of grids which for the  most part have
no or very little activity in them. I am starting further south in Nebraska
than usual.
I will start @ the EN00/10 grid area and for those to the south I will be
real close to the EN01/11, this will be about 18 miles or so East North East
of Grand Island,NE. from there I will travel north to near Elgin,NE and
again activate EN01/11 for those further north I will then stop in EN02/12
(NE) and will again stop @ EN02/12/03//13 grid lines I will over nite in
Mitchell,SD and Sunday morning activate EN04/14 then East to EN14/24/13/23
then south to EN12/13/22/23. From there East to EN33/32 and if time South to
EN31//21/22/32 grid lines in Central Iowa. So I will activate:
EN00/01/02/03/04/10/11/12/13/14/21/22/23/24/31/32/33 if all goes as planned.
I will be active on 6 thru 24 ghz with good power and ant's on most bands. I
will be listening on 144.230 and calling there, If no responses I will be
looking on .200 (which I hope not to have to do) I planed on being in EN00
Friday nite if all works well and if time test some of the bands out. I will
be staying in Central City EN01/11 grid line runs thru the middle of town.
January was a bust for me, about 3 grids into the contest my new
transmission with less than 2,000 miles on it or should I say the torque
converter locked up ( blew up,trashed ) about 2 hours from home. But on the
bright side the warranty was good and the old rover might be good for a few
more roves, I would like to make it to 300,000 miles but I won't make that
this year I don't think??

Hope to work a bunch of you
gud luck to all of you

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