[VHFcontesting] June Contest Plans - VE3SMA

Steve Kavanagh sjkavanagh1 at yahoo.ca
Fri Jun 11 12:21:10 EDT 2004

I plan to do my usual almost QRP single-operator
effort from home in EN93ui again, on 50-2304 MHz, with
the higher bands available in the unlikely cases of
really good conditions or local activity.  I
anticipate I'll likely be the only station active in
this grid on 222 or 903 and up, with the exception of
VE3NPB/R for an hour or so.

50 MHz: 10 W, dipole
144 MHz: 10 W, 6 el.
222 MHz: 2 W, 6 el.
432 MHz: 10 W, 10 el.
903 MHz: 5 W, 7 el.
1296 MHz: 2 W, 27 el.
2304 MHz: 1 W, 55 el.

The geography around here means that I do much better
than you would expect from the above to the east and
much worse to the west !

Skeds will be accepted if anyone wants one (not
between midnight and 7AM EDT).

Steve VE3SMA

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