[VHFcontesting] Don't destroy the little guys

Bill Burgess ve3cru at rac.ca
Tue Mar 2 10:04:23 EST 2004


Folks have debated at great lengths many proposals for rovers.  I note that  many are counter-productive to the honest little rovers, in an effort to control several who manipulate for maximum scores.  Here in Canada you can count on one hand the number of rovers operating in any vhf contest, perhaps with fingers left over too.  We have nothing to the north to work so are totally dependent on all to the south for good contacts.  We also have many needed grids, some considered rare that I for one plan on opening up in the future.  To generate more interest in rovering here, the contests must appeal to the potential rover.  Having said that, I hope that nothing will be changed that will destroy us little guys who love to get out to rover and hilltop.

I do note a total focus on the ARRL contests here.  The CQ VHF contest in July also has much merit, especially for the new ham whose station is modest in terms of bands, so lets promote it too.

Rovers must survive to succeed.  Allow us to survive.



Email: ve3cru at rac.ca

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