[VHFcontesting] Rover Poll, What did the rovers think?
ke3ht-dated-1079028350.5ab41a at ke3ht.org
Sat Mar 6 13:05:30 EST 2004
This poll sent to ARRL 3/6/2004.
Rover Poll Results
Posted to the rover newslist for rovers input only
Proposed VHF Contest Rules
Input Due 3/7/2004
I think the NON-Rovers have way to many good ideas that seem to help
them and hurt us rovers. I was wondering if the Rover community would
want to take a polling sample of questions to see how we stand on the
new proposals? Where does the silent majority of Rovers stand? We could
then take this poll and send it to the ARRL as an indication of the
Rover communities thoughts on the proposed changes.
I emailed several rovers that I know of to solicit them to take the
poll. Three just said something to the effect: ARRL is just going to do
what ever they want so I am not going to bother with the poll. This is
serious Apathy! One went on to say I'm just quitting Roving this year,
the fun is going to be gone and I cant afford to keep this up for one
contest a year. We will miss you all that leave roving due to the
Rover Responders: 15 Including myself (KE3HT/r)
Responders in quantity order were from NY, PA, MA, CA, CO, and TX.
Thanks to all those who responded.
1. Would you favor making the June contest a 50mhz - 1296mhz only?
yes 1
no 14 Strongest comment "What a Dumb idea"
2. Would you favor the elimination of the August UHF contest?
yes 2
no 13
3. Would you favor giving stations only 1 point for contacting
rovers when other stations get more?
yes 1
no 14 Strongest comment "I'll quit"
4. Do you favor reverting to the "OLD Rover Rules"?
yes 10
no 1
N/A 4
5. Do you favor changing the 10ghz and up contest to include 2.3ghz and
yes 13
no 2
6. Do you favor grid circulating with a category for that method?
yes 13 Strongest comment "Make a catagory for them"
no 2
7. Do you favor captive rovering? (No=you might consider means to
yes 10 Strongest comment "It helps get new VHF contesters!"
no 5
8. Do you think Rover participation has gone down in the past three
yes 0
no 15 Strongest comment "Someone's been listening to the groung hog
if they think its going down!"
,,,, Tim KE3HT/R
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