[VHFcontesting] Interesting comments from W3ZZ

Anonymous Coward n0cal at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 6 18:57:48 EST 2004

Post for Jim N1SZ...


Maybe the paranoia of Mark Hoffman is contagious.
maybe not... take it for what it is worth...

In doing some research, I stumbled across these
statements in the PVRC newsletters for February '04
and March '04:

February PVRC Newsletter:

>From a meeting of the PVRC on January 20, 2004 Page 13

"W3ZZ, Gene reports a June VHF contest with bands
limited between 6M and either 432 or 1296 is likely.
ARRL will likely return to the old rover rules for VHF
contests. Contacts which are in your grid or touch
your grid may be worth 2 points. If it doesn't touch
your grid it's 3 points. After working a rover on each
band you get 1 point when he changes bands. The point
structure is not yet clear. The purpose is to attract
the >100K Icom 706 and FT100 type rig owners."

March PVRC Newsletter:  


>From a meeting of the PVRC on February 17, three days
before the letter from K1KI

Page 12

"W3ZZ, Gene: Look for VHF Contest changes coming in

So much for input?  Why such a rush for comments? 
Limited distribution?  Has a decision already been
reached and this comment period is simply a way
to placate the masses?

I don't know.. I would hope not but, I guess we'll
find out.


Jim, N1SZ

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