[VHFcontesting] Comments on proposed VHF+ rules changes

Robert Cumming w2bzy at cfl.rr.com
Mon Mar 8 16:57:32 EST 2004

I have been reading all the messages VHFcontesting  reflector on this 
thread for the past month or so and have come to the point of having to 
kick in my $0.02.

First is Publicity.  Nothing beats seeing your name in print.  As president 
of a very active club, I always get comments from club members when my name 
appears in QST (Especially First Place for the Section or Division).  The 
paper on the wall isn't as important as your name in Print.

Having been a VHF'er since the mid 50's in the famous NE activity corner of 
the US for many years who moved just over a decade ago to the once VHF/UHF 
barren flatlands of the Florida peninsula, I feel that Dave, W1WHS's 
comments on  this matter are right on target.  The main point is that most 
people will take whatever means needed to justify their investment in 
equipment vs. the amount of activity on a particular band.

When I first got to Florida in 1992 there were only a handful of stations 
on 1296 and no activity on 903 or 2304 and up.  Thanks to the encouragement 
of Chuck,  K0VXM, I got going on 903 and soon there after on 2304.   If 
there is activity, use will occur.  From almost no activity to what is now 
a growing group of 903+ operators here in Central Florida is truly amazing, 
but, without the ARRL Contest, 3 times a year to encourage activity, who 
knows.  I can relate to Dave's (W1WHS) 10 GHz tales.  Here on the Florida 
peninsula, there was almost no 10 GHz activity until recently when K0VXM, 
WA8TTM and others started populating the Microwaves with signals.  At the 
recent HamCationSM here in Orlando, I bit the bullet and finally got that 
10 GHz Transverter from Downeast Microwave and should be ready to run in 
the June Contest.   PLEASE DON'T TAKE THAT AWAY!!!!!!!

We don't need less activity on ANY of the VHF bands and I fully support 
anything that increases activity.  This is really important in the less 
densely populated areas  like Northern Maine and Florida (to mention a few) 
where the VHF population is "off the beaten path".

As to the points/contact, contacts on the microwave bands require much more 
time and effort than those on 6M or 2M.  Justification to get on these 
bands is not only the Multipliers, but the increased points/contact for 
each one made.  If you want to add in a distance factor, ok, but retain the 
spread for those of us who toil on the 902+ bands.   Distance is easy on 6M 
in June with E skip and a reasonable station (I run 700W and 7 Elements 
there and can easily generate a pileup for hours when the band is 
open)  but E Skip can favor one area of the country while excluding 
others.  The same applies to "Tropo" openings.  Here in central Florida the 
conditions exist for Tropo both across the Gulf into Texas and up the coast 
to the Mid Atlantic States.  Proof of this is that one station of the North 
American 3456 Tropo record is here in EL98 (WA8TTM).  Ron is one of the 
shining stars of Ham Radio activity here in Central Florida.  He is active 
on all bands from 1.8MHz to 24 GHz.  As to myself, I can only claim 160M to 
13CM but 3CM will be on the air soon from this station thanks to the surge 
in microwave activity here.

As to power, Most 2M bricks on the market are in the 160-170 Watt range, 
why not draw the line at 200W for 2M as most who use the bricks will claim 
to be under the 150W limit anyway.   Perhaps a sliding scale of 200W foe 50 
and 144 MHz. 150W on 222 and 432, (we can't legally run over 50 W at the 
antenna here in FL) and 100W on 902+ would be fair.

As to attracting New or "Casual Operators", Perhaps a multiplier for the 
number of "New" (never submitting a log for a band) operators on every new 
band activated.  This might encourage people to add bands to their 
stations.  This is easily verified by checking past logs submitted to the 
Contest Desk.  Perhaps an adjunct for "Club" competition might be a 
multiplier for all the "New" people added on the air generating a 
reasonable number of contacts - i.e.. 10  QSOs on 6M, 2M or 70Cm,  2 or 3 
QSOs on 222MHz and 1 each on 902+ MHz.  This would encourage clubs to 
solicit casual operators and help people to add 222 and 902+ to their 
existing stations.

As to Rovers, what W1WHS states is absolutely correct.  Rovers can create 
activity.  Here in Florida rovers can generate a pileup on 2M and we 
welcome them, anything beats listening to noise.  Yes the June contest 
usually has enough e-skip to keep you busy on 6M, but early morning usually 
gives us activity  on 903+ and keeps the contest going.  If only we could 
get the rovers to pack their "Rover mobiles" with microwave equipment also 
then we might have a epiphany of microwave activity here.  Again More bands 
are better, It increases activity - it doesn't detract from the more active 
bands - it supplements it.

The prospect of such activity  has spawned the FLWSS (Florida Weak Signal 
Society) group with a weekly net on 432.100 to give those interested in 
VHF+ activity a place to gather and trade ideas.  The group had its first 
formal hamfest get together at the Orlando HamCationSM with over 30 
attendees (including Steve and Sandra of DEMI fame).    Most attendees are 
active on the big 3 (50, 144, 432  MHZ) but there are quite a few others 
active on 222 (don't take any steps to decrease activity here) and 1296.

Steve, N2CEI,  saw people interested in getting on 2304 and up at DEMI's 
HamCationSM booth and he left for home with a lighter load of transverters 
and other equipment than he came with.  I hope, as president of the host 
club (The Orlando Amateur Radio Club), that his wallet was heavier!

Please don't do anything to jeopardize that like discouraging Rovers (even 
captive ones, I wish I had the means or spare equipment to outfit a rover 
on the 902+ bands) or eliminating any VHF+ frequency from ANY VHF+ contest.

VRY 73

Bob Cumming
President - Orlando Amateur Radio Club
VE, OO, Award Manager- VUCC/DXCC
QRV 160M through 13 CM (3 CM soon)
 From EL98hr  (you all point those antennas south now) 

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