[VHFcontesting] RE: VHFcontesting Digest

Fisher, Mike Mike.Fisher at marriott.com
Tue Mar 9 11:53:10 EST 2004

To all contesters;
     First off, not that I need to justify my comments, but I have enjoyed
the VHF contest for 7 years now. I started with on FM gear then with an
FT-847 started working SSB. I live in an antenna restricted area so I go
hilltoppping in June & September. I have done 3 rover efforts and I have
"always had fun & learned something" each time out.

After reading all the comments +/- here is my 2 cents on the issues. 

1.	First and foremost - We need to find ways to get MORE rovers on the
road NOT take scores from them or discount scores because of club activity.
With the price of fuel (vehicle & generator - hi hi), these guys are
spending lots of money to boost all the scores.

2.	If you want to slow down the grid circling, like some of the other
contests where you have to stay on a band for xx minuets before switching
again, have a rule where a rover has to stay in a new grid for 2 hours
before moving into another one. If someone is driving N & S it would take
about 2 hours to safely drive the 75-80 miles thru the grid.

3.	A rover's score should be allowed in the club competition but only a
percentage be applied to the club totals. (i.e. - Rover AA1ZZ is with club
ABC. He works 120 QSO's during the contest, 80 are with other ABC club
members). Have a new rule that only the first half count toward their club
score. In this example, the first 60 QSO's would qualify for the club score
for that rover. They would get full credit for the regular score for any
rover awards but the ARRL robot would calculate the club score with a cross
check of calls in each club.

4.	My last comment is for all categories: In place of not allowing the
microwave bands in June change the points for each band to the following:
 50Mhz - 1.2 G = 1 point    2.3 and up = 2 points.

These are just a few comments and I welcome everyone's feedback..

Mike Fisher  N3VOP  FM19

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