[VHFcontesting] Spring sprint de KB1FVX

Mike kb1fvx at netscape.net
Wed May 12 21:48:05 EDT 2004

Hi all, I worked three hours on Saturday and had one qso. Boy it is hard 
to get signals in and out from a valley!  I did manage to have a good 
qso with a neighbor though, W1AIM Chip. I did hear several one sided 
qso's Chip was working but just plain couldn't make out the other stations.
Some day I would like to transplant my antenna's up on a nearby ridge, 
but it really don't look to promising with limited income from 
disability. HI HI !!
Hey if anyone has a good home brew six meter yagi or quagi plan that I 
could try to make I would be grateful.
I have a 5 element yagi I built last winter, but I don't really know how 
well it works. ( judging by my one whole contact it's not a boomer. HI HI )
By the way I enjoy reading this news every day, its helping me learn 
different operating techniques.
Thanks much,  Mike KB1FVX.

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