[VHFcontesting] 2 Meter SSB Net tomorrow night

David Hinton ke4yyd at gtcom.net
Tue Oct 19 21:26:38 EDT 2004

Side Winders On Two
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: WBR WF4R 
  To: David Hinton 
  Cc: VHF Contesting 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 7:55 PM
  Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] 2 Meter SSB Net tomorrow night

  What does "SWOT" stand for?
  tnx, 73, Bill, WF4R

  David Hinton wrote:

Point the antenna towards EL79 occasionally.

Glad they decided to move the net freq off the call freq.  I  will not
participate in a net that ties up the call freq.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "George Kangas" <KU4VQ at msn.com>
To: "Jim Labor KE4NGZ" <labor_j at 695online.com>; "N9HF" <kerl at bellsouth.net>;
"K1LH" <k1lh2 at citlink.net>; "Frank Haas" <kb4t at arrl.net>; "VHF Contesting"
<vhfcontesting at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 1:40 PM
Subject: [VHFcontesting] 2 Meter SSB Net tomorrow night

  It is our pleasure to announce the formation of a new SWOT Net beginning
    within two weeks.
  On Wednesday, October 27 at 8:00PM Eastern Time,  the Daytona Beach,
    Florida SWOT Net will hold its first session on 144.250 MHz.
  This gathering has been occurring for a number of weeks on 144.200 MHz,
    and will continue to on that frequency for one more week.  The gathering
will move to 144.250 MHz in recognition of becoming a SWOT Net.
  The Net Control operators are:
KU4VQ George Kangas in South Daytona and
KI4FIA George Fetter in Port Orange

Again, this Net is NOT limited to SWOT members.  Its purpose is to promote
    2 Meter  Weak Signal operation and provide those new to 2 Meter Sideband
information and experience. Everyone is invited to check in.
  We all hope to get a few new members, as a well as visitors to our
    Homepage and the Yahoo Group:
   www.swotrc.net and  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sidewindersontwo/

Also once this Net is well established, possibilities exist that this Net
    will expand to other bands (ie. 222 MHz) and try other modes (ie.CW).
  We wish them lots of luck and our total support.
Again, beginning Wednesday at 8:00 PM Eastern, October 27th, point your
    Yagis towards:
  Daytona Beach, Florida
144.250 MHz
Daytona Beach Area SWOT Net
NCS - George KU4VQ or George KI4FIA

Art Jackson KA5DWI
SWOT Chairman

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