[VHFcontesting] One "Idiot's" Reply - The Real WTX Story

Ev Tupis (W2EV) w2ev at arrl.net
Wed Oct 27 07:28:14 EDT 2004

> There's nothing in the rules that even hint at grid circling be
> unsportsmanlike.

  2.3.5.All Rovers are encouraged to adopt operating practices that 
allow as many stations as possible to contact them.

When 98% of the contacts are with other members of the "pack" then a 
case may certainly be made for unsportsmanlike conduct.  Yet, I'm 
unaware if unsportsmanlike conduct is mentioned as a "disciplinable 
entity" in the rules.  We are allowed to be unsportsmanlike...until we 
reach a level at which peer pressure is applied.  (what a sad commentary)

> In fact, the scoring system (inadvertently) encourages it. 

It is the enforcement mechanism that encourages it.  Frankly...I don't 
blame N1ND.  Whenever ambiguity exists in the rules, being forced to 
make an absolute judgement on it is a lose-lose proposition.  Instead, 
it is up to us to "play nice for the greater good".

It is time to remove the ambiguity that this "rule" introduces and 
unshackle Dan (and the ARRL for that matter) from the issue.

Ev, W2EV

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