[VHFcontesting] Roving and Hamfests

Dan n9rla at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 1 00:01:14 EDT 2004

I have done this before.  As long as there is a valid contact, I don't 
see anything un-ethical about it.  Quite the contrary actually, I see it 
as a chance to introduce a lot of new people to VHF contesting.

I did manage to generate some QSO's this way, but not nearly as many as 
I had hoped.  Trouble is, the contest didn't start until 2:00pm local 
time here, and as everyone knows, hamfests are ghost towns by noon.  
Hopefully your's will be better.

Good luck & 73

K9ZF /R no budget Rover ***QRP-l #1269
Check out the Rover Resource Page at:  http://www.qsl.net/n9rla
List Administrator for:  InHam+grid-loc+ham-books

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