[VHFcontesting] K3LFO ROVER Sept VHF

David Erickson erickson+vhf at mddsg.com
Tue Sep 7 16:48:27 EDT 2004

A few people emailed me asking for 6 digit grid coordinates of the sites
we plan on operating.  We did our best to estimate them but hopefully this
will help.  You can get to the info on our new website at

We also plan on putting some more pictures up of the Rover build process
prior to the contest start on Friday afternoon to share.

GL and Have fun this weekend,


> The K3LFO Rover will be active again next weekend. Since we have only been
> roving since June 2003 we have no secrets! Our station is under constant
> development and not really competitive. We're just in it for the fun of
> the chase!!
> We will be running the following:
> TS-2000x and IC-706MKllG
> TM-742 FM (waste of time??)
> DEM 222-28 for 222Mhz
> TE Systems 1452G 2 meter Amplifier
> Mirage 70cm Amplifier
> 6M-	100W and Moxon antenna
> 	100W and 1/4 wave vertical
> 2M-	400W(with engine running) 11 Ele 12' Cushcraft
> 	50W and M2 HO Square Loop
> 222-	25 W and 11 Ele 9' Cushcraft
> 432-	50W and 2 X 19 Ele RIW Home brew 12'
> 	60W and M2 HO Square Loop
> 1296-	10W and 45 Element Loop Yagi 12'
> The following is our flight plan.  WE plan to spend 1 to 2 hours in each
> grid and operate as we can when in route.
> Saturday:
> FM19	McConnelsburg
> FN10	Bear Mountain
> FN00	Brief stops in transit
> FM09	Sideling Hill
> Sunday:
> FM08	Skyline Drive
> FM18	Brief stops in transit
> FM07	Skyline Drive - Mill Mountain Roanoke
> Unplanned, maybe EM97, EM96, or FM17.
> Turn your beams our way and listen for us.  We will hang out around
> 144.240 Calling CQ and monitoring while working other bands.
> Everybody GL have fun!
> 73,
> Jim K3LFO
> Dave W3DIO (ex KA3TNY)
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