[VHFcontesting] Radio Sports

Ev Tupis w2ev at arrl.net
Tue Sep 7 18:00:07 EDT 2004

K3uhf at aol.com wrote:
> There is not enough of us to divide us into little sections and small 
> competitive categories and still feel like you are competing.

With an on-line component for logging/participation, one could easily compare 
one's performance to any one of several criteria without the need to officially 
sanction those as "award categories".

Using Marathon running events as an example... The "gold", "silver" and "bronze" 
medal winners are the overall 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers.  However...a 
50-year old competitor may wish to compare their time against other 50-year olds 
as a better guide of their accomplishment (though there may be no officially 
sanctioned medal associated with that subset of competitors).

>   I rove, I use paper and will continue to do so for safety reasons. I would 
> give up roving if I was made to use a computer during the contest.

Being able to e-submit after the event (or outright paper-submit) allows for 
this operating style/choice to be addressed.

Ev, W2EV

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